Friday, January 23, 2015

German Sparkle Party and Germany x Reader ("Ja, is this the Party?")

Konbanwa!  Turtle-chan here, finally being able to do the post I've been waiting for for the past three weeks.  So, I woke up around 2:00 this morning feeling nauseous and sort of like I was up in the crow's nest of a pirate ship in the middle of a hurricane, so I decided it would be a good idea to get up and run to the bathroom before blowing chunks all over my room.  That was a smart idea, it turns out, as I just barely made it to the bathroom.  Needless to say, I didn't sleep well last night.  And then we were required to take a practice SAT test today, which took FIVE hours...  FIVE...  If they keep the same format when they finalize the changes to the SAT, I just feel really sorry for the kids who have to take it.  Anyway, I've kind of had a long day, so I thought it would be nice to have a little German Sparkle Party.  For those of you who are unaware as to what a German Sparkle Party is, here is the best explanation I can give.  I am not responsible for any emotional or psychological scarring you may receive upon watching this...  The fandom popularly agrees that they were all drunk...
So, anyway, I got bored a few weeks ago and my little brother has some sparkly markers.  This is the result, if you can see it:
Yeah....  BlogSpot hates me...  But it's a super sexy muscly Germany with a slightly less muscly Prussia.  Both are probably drunk and both are very sparkly.  Also, they are dressed in their German Sparkly Party attire which consists of rubber boots (Prussia's come with sparkles), party pants (strikingly similar to their uniform pants...), and skin-tight, black, sparkly spandex tank tops.  Yep.  I don't know how I think of these things...  Gomenasai...
Also, I have a German Sparkle Party installment of the story for you which I have had written for almost a month but have had to put on hold in lieu of plot building.  Pesky plot building...  Anyway, I'm exhausted and I still don't feel well, so I'm gonna post this and then probably just curl up in a ball to die for a little while.  Catch you reader-sans later!  If I don' die, that is!

- Turtle-chan

It seemed like a normal morning, but it ended up being anything but.  You woke up and got dressed as usual before going downstairs to help with breakfast.  Germany, as usual, was the first awake and was already hard at work.  Italy was also awake because Germany had kicked him out of his bed.  The two were arguing from different rooms and making quite a racket.  You, as usual, played the role of the amused peacemaker.  Japan came down and helped set the table and everyone sat down to breakfast.  Everything was completely normal.  Until you heard the window open.

Immediately, Japan whipped out a katana from heaven knows where, Germany pulled a Luger from the waistband of his pants, Italy pulled out a white flag, and you jumped into a defensive crouch, holding your fists up in front of your face like a boxer.  Something large and white swung itself through the window and the two weapons were pointed at it immediately while Italy started waving the flag furiously.

“It’s zee awesome me!  Kesesesesese!” the intruder shouted.  A suspicious look crossed Germany’s face.

“Prussia…  Vhy are you here?  Unt more importantly, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!” Germany said, shouting at the intruder in the end.  It seems like they know each other.

“Vest!  It’s goot to see you too,” the intruder said sarcastically.  You took a good look at him and realized that there are actually some similarities between him and Germany.  They both have that broad, brawny build, although Germany is significantly brawnier.  Their hair is also sort of similar.  Or rather, it would be if Germany wore his down all the time.  Their accents are also similar, though the intruder manages to make it sound crude somehow.

“What should we do, Germany-san?” Japan asked him, not taking his eyes off of the intruder.

“Nosink, Japan,” Germany sighed, replacing his pistol.  “Zis is my older Bruder, Prussia.”

You took another look at the man, your eyes wide with shock.  This crude, loud, albino miscreant is actually related to Germany?  They’re like polar opposites!  Japan sheathed his katana and Italy put his flag away.  It took you a moment to lower your hands, and you still felt tense afterward.  You glanced over at Germany who looked embarrassed and displeased.

“Would you like something to eat?” you asked Prussia, deciding to be hospitable since no one else was going to.

He turned and looked at you, peering down his nose haughtily.  “Zee awesome me does not neet to eat for nourishment.  Alzhough, I vouldn’t mint havink a taste of you, Fraulien,” he said suggestively.

You cheeks heated up and you forced yourself not to glare at him.  “I’m sorry, but I’m not on the menu,” you told him with your sweetest smile.  Germany was glaring daggers at his brother and Prussia was staring you down.

“You’re too borink for zee awesome me,” he scoffed, turning to look at Germany.  “Anyvay, I kame here to tell you zat I am hafink a party tonight unt you haf to kome.”

Nein,” Germany spat, almost before Prussia finished his sentence.

“Too bat, little Bruder.  I tolt you zat you haf no choice,” Prussia said smirking.  “Remember zee rules?”

“Vhat ru-?  Oh…  Zose rules,” Germany said, looking concerned.

Ja, zose rules,” Prusia said, throwing his head back and braying his strange laugh.  What’s going on?

“Vhat do I haf to do?” Germany asked in a tight voice.

“Zee usual…” Prussia said vaguely, waving a hand in the air.  You noticed for the first time that there was a small, yellow bird perched on top of his head.  Weird.

“I vill get zee sings,” Germany sighed.

“Make sure you remember zee outfit.  Rubber boots unt party pants,” Prussia told him, smirking evilly.

Ja…” Germany said resignedly.

“Goot.  Vell, I vill see you all tonight at my awesome house.  Kesesesesesese!” Prussia laughed as he climbed back out the window.

You turned to look at Germany who was massaging his temples in frustration.  You decided to leave him be and wait until you can get him alone to talk to him.  You started to gather up plates and you carried them to the sink.  Japan and Italy, who seemed to have understood the conversation, walked off to their rooms.  It was just you and Germany alone in the kitchen and you were dying to find out what was going on.

Germany sighed and sat down at the table.  You looked over at him and came to sit across from him, cupping your cheek in your palm.  “What’s wrong?” you asked him.

He looked up at you with tired blue eyes.  “I am fine.  I apologize about my Bruder,” he said.

“It’s alright,” you told him.  “You don’t choose your family.”

He looked at you and you thought you saw a ghost of a smile twitching at the corner of his mouth, but it was gone almost as soon as you noticed.  “You are right,” he said.  “He shoult not haf spoken to you zat vay, zough.”

“It’s fine.  Really.  I’m used to it,” you said without thinking.  When he cocks an eyebrow at you in confusion, you clarify.  “It’s common for girls to be spoken to that way where I come from.  I guess people think it’s manly.  I’m not really sure.  Either way, I know how to deal with it.”

Germany shook his head.  Schweinen,” he muttered.  You somehow got the feeling that he said something very impolite.

“Um, anyway.  What was that conversation with your brother all about?  It was kind of weird and I feel like I’m the only one that doesn’t understand what’s going on,” you said a little nervously.

“Oh, zat.  Um, it is a little embarrasink, aktually,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.  “So, basikally, vhen I vas younger, Prussia voult not let me be my own kountry unless I agreet to his terms unt one of zem  vas zat ve haf to haf parties once each year and I am not allowet to bak out…”

“What kind of parties?” you asked him slowly.

Germany’s face turned beet red.  “German Sparkle Parties,” he replied quietly, avoiding your gaze.

Your face turned white and then red and you clapped a hand over your mouth.  This is actually a thing?  You’d read so many fanfictions and you’d heard the German Sparkle Party song, but you didn’t believe it was actually a thing.  You just thought it was some crazy headcannon.  It was so hard not to laugh.

“Vhat?  Vhat is wrong?” Germany asked you defensively.

You shook your head, smirking as you got up to finish the dishes.  “Nothing, Germany.  Don’t worry about it,” you told him.

And so here you are.  You stand a little awkwardly in the corner, sparkles covering every inch of your body as though you had been the victim of a crowd of seasick faeries.  The music is pounding in your ears and you can feel the vibrations deep in your chest.  You can’t help but smile as you watch Germany dancing with his obnoxious older brother.  You know he’s had entirely too much to drink, but you can’t help but feel like it’s good for him to let loose a little bit every once in a while.  He’ll probably be hung-over in the morning and not remember any of it, but at least he gets to enjoy himself for a few hours.  And, of course, the outfit he and Prussia are wearing is laughable in itself.

Germany worked furiously all day to get everything done for both the party and his duties, so you didn’t see much of him.  When he finally did emerge from his office, he went straight up to his room and you heard a lot of banging around and cursing in German.  You were a little concerned, but you decided to just wait it out.  After about half an hour, he came down the stairs and that was when you almost died.  There he was, big, manly Germany, wearing his usual green army pants with rubber boots cut to look like combat boots and a sparkly black spandex tank top.  You couldn’t contain your laughter and you ended up doubled over, clinging to a chair to keep yourself from falling on the ground from the convulsions of your laughter.  Germany was extremely embarrassed and his face was completely red.  It took you several minutes to recover your composure.

Mmm.  That spandex doesn’t leave anything to the imagination, does it?  Germany looks up and notices you watching him and he makes his way over to you, still dancing.  When he gets close, he shouts out,” Vhy are not you dancink?  It is fun!”

You smile up at him, noticing how flushed his cheeks are.  “It’s fun to watch, too,” you respond.  “Besides, I don’t really know how to dance.”  Hopefully he’s too drunk to remember the time he caught you dancing in the kitchen.

“I koult show you,” he suggests, stumbling over his feet a little.

“No, it’s alright.  You go and have fun,” you tell him.

He looks at you for several moments and you wonder if he heard you.  As you open your mouth to speak, he steps closer to you and touches your hair.  You feel a gentle pulling and then your hair falls down from is situation at the top of your head and brushes your face and shoulders, sending glitter spiraling down to the floor.  You look up at Germany quizzically and he smiles and nods approvingly, slipping the rubber band around his large wrist.

“Zat is better, ja?  You shoult leaf it zat vay,” he tells you.  You blush and nod, hoping no one notices.  “Kome unt dance!”  Germany takes your hand and pulls you onto the dance floor without giving you a chance to reply.

He begins to dance and you stand there uncomfortably, not knowing what to do.  Germany watches you for a few moments and says, “Vat is wrong?”

“I don’t know how to dance,” you reply, having to shout over the music.

“So?  Just mofe vis zee music.  It is easy,” he tells you.

You aren’t so sure about that, but then the music changes and the crowd starts to swoop inward, forming a big huddle in the center of the dance floor.  Everyone is bouncing up and down on the balls of their feet and smiling around at each other.  Apparently, this is something they have done before.  The music gets louder and louder until finally the singer begins.  He sings in German, but you catch a few words that you understand.  Was ist los?  Es ist Party angesagt!” the crowd shouts along with the singer.  They start jumping up and down together and pumping their fists in the air.  You’re caught up in the motion and you have no choice but to join in unless you want to be crushed.

“Wir lassen uns nicht verarschen, wir tanzen und wir toben.  Hebt die Hände nach oben, und dann lasst uns Disco Pogen!!” the crowd shouts, jumping and pounding their fists in the air.  Sparkles are all over the place and the lights and movements are disorienting.  You’re being jostled around and you don’t want to think about what will happen should you fall.

But then you look over at Germany and you see him smiling and all of the apprehension dies away.  He’s sweating and his face is red as he jumps and shouts along with the crowd,”DISCO POGO, Dingelingeling, Dingelingeling.  UND ALLE ATZEN SING’.  DISCO POGO, Dingelingeling, Dingelingeling.  UND ALLE ATZEN SING'.”

You smile as you watch him.  You may not be enjoying the party, but you’re glad that he is.  He looks over at you and smiles down at you.  “Vhat?” he asks you, shouting over the music.

“Nothing,” you tell him, shaking your head.  It’s crazy how different he’s acting, almost like he’s a completely different person.  You wonder once again how much alcohol his brother had him drink, but you kind of don’t want to know.

Finally, the song ends and you’re allowed to back out of the crowd.  You’re hot and sweaty and you’re relieved when you can breathe again and not be pressed up against other people.  You’re just starting to feel alive again when you hear the music change.  The beat is significantly slower and people seem to be pairing up to dance together.  You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around to see Germany holding one of his large hands out to you.

“Voult you dance vis me?” he asks you.

You shyly take his hand and let him lead you onto the dance floor.  He slips his hands around your waist and you reach up and rest yours on his strong shoulders.  You look down at the floor, too embarrassed to watch Germany.  It’s not that you aren’t enjoying it, but you would rather be with him like this when he’s sober.  It’s harder for you to know if he’s being sincere or not when he’s this drunk.

“(y/n),” he says.  You look up at him and cock an eyebrow questioningly.  “I haf somesink to tell you.”

“What is it?” you ask him.  Your heart is pounding.

“Vell, it is just zat…” he starts to say, but a loud voice interrupts him.

“VEST!  Kesesesesese!” Prussia shouts, grabbing Germany by the shoulder and pulling him away from you.

“Vhat are you doink?” Germany asks Prussia angrily.

“Safink your ass, zat’s vhat,” Prussia tells him triumphantly.

“I vas in ze middle of a confersation, Bruder,” Germany says, glaring down at his older brother.

Ja, and now you’re goink vis zee awesome me.  Kesesesesesese!” Prussia tells him, his red eyes shining with cruel enjoyment as he starts to drag Germany away.  “You’re velcome, (y/n)!”  He throws you a wink and you shudder a little.  Even though he’s Germany’s brother, Prussia creeps you out.  Also, you think it’s weird that the little bird, which is now on his shoulder, is wearing sparkly sunglasses…

You feel a little frustrated.  You were curious about what Germany had to say, but you realize it’s probably better that Prussia dragged him off.  You let out a sigh and look around the room at the dwindling party.  Italy is passed out on a sofa and Japan is having a conversation with Hungary, so you decide to wait until he finishes before leaving.  You sit down on the couch beside Italy and lean your head against the back of it.  You’re exhausted and you have a headache from all of the loud music.  Somehow, you manage to doze off.

When you wake up, you feel something on your shoulder, on your lap, and against your feet.  Your eyelids flutter open and you look around with bleary eyes.  There are people passed out all around the room.  You smile a little to see Austria and Hungary sleeping leaning against each other.  You wish they’d just get together already.  You blink a few times and look over to see Italy asleep against your shoulder, smiling.  Japan is sleeping on the floor near you peacefully.  You look down and the first thing you notice is the blonde hair.  Germany.

It’s a little hard to make out each of his features in the semidarkness, but you have his face well memorized by now.  You tenderly run your fingers through his hair, marveling at how soft it is despite all of the gel he must put in it.  He’s still covered in sparkles from the party, which you find amusing.  You lean forward and brush your lips against his cheek, your hair, which is still hanging loose, curtains both of your faces and mingles with his soft blonde hair.

“Sleep well, my dearest friend,” you whisper as you drift back off into sleep.

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