Monday, December 22, 2014

Band Feature: Live Like Glass

Konichiwa!  After that really long post last night I figured I'd give you guys something kind of short and I also still have several bands on the list to get through, so I'm killing two birds with one stone!  Huzzah!
So yeah, this is another emo band which I have very recently discovered and they've actually only been around for a couple of years.  They're called Live Like Glass (an awesome emo name in my opinion!) and they released their first EP in February of this year.  The lead singer calls himself Danny Disastr and I'm just going to put it out there right now that his hair is fabulous!  We've established I have a thing for long hair, right?  Maybe?  Well now you know!  The band members all have pretty interesting and alliterative stage names, actually.  Some of them are almost comical.  There's Danny Disaster on vocals, Michael Mayhem on lead guitar, Soren on rhythm guitar, Cisco Fiesta on bass, and Thomas Terror on drums.  I think Thomas does a lot of the background screaming, but I think I've seen Soren do some as well, and Danny alternates between singing and screaming, but it's generally more singing, which I like.  Oh, and they wear war paint.  A lot of people feel like they're copying Black Veil Brides (especially in reference to Danny), but I feel like those people are being hypocritical.  If they want to use that kind of logic, then any band wearing war paint would be copying Kiss.  Anyway, the makeup isn't the same and Danny has said a couple of times in interviews and on his Twitter page that he's just trying to look like Jack Skellington from The Nighmare Before Christmas.  His microphone is even covered in little Jack faces!

That's not a super great picture, but I was trying to find something where they all had their makeup on and you can see it.  I like Danny's and Cisco's the best, I think!  I'd pretty much recommend that you listen to their whole EP (Always Unrequited), but I'll give you a list anyway.  It's more or less in order of what I like the most to what I like the least, but I do like all of them:
- "Just a Misunderstanding"
- "Trapped in Nostalgia"
- "If These Words Meant Anything"
- "A Reason to Deceive"
- "Remember This Name"
- "Bad Taste in Karma"
I truly think these guys have serious potential to become a really big deal within the next several years.  They have a really good sound and their look, in my opinion, is spot on.  They've done a good job of making sure their lyrics capture the dark beauty that is iconic to the emo genre and they seem to be basically decent musicians overall.  I can honestly say that they may end up becoming one of my favorite bands if they keep up the good work.
Oh yeah, for any The Nightmare Before Christmas fanatics like myself, they also did a cover of "This is Halloween" which is worth checking out.  Danny's voice gets a little off key on some of the higher notes, but I think it's fitting for the song.  It's by far better than many of the covers I've heard before, though not better than PelleK's for obvious reasons (i.e. he has a four octave vocal range and was able to cover each part whereas Danny seemed to have trouble with the children's voices which is normal for a guy).
That's all I have for today, though, so I guess I'll be logging out.  I still have a few bands left to get through and two of them are foreign, so get psyched!  I'll catch you reader-sans later!

- Turtle-chan

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